'I don't ever want to be skinny' Ini Edo Tweets

Anwuli Oputa said...

Haters have to back off. Love you Ini you are comfortable in your skin.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Rock ur bootie girl! I support u 100%!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl!!!! I love you!

Blunt Queen said...

Well said ini. Am not a fan but I totally agree. U can't kill yourself over what people say. They should deal with it!!!!!!

bitchplis said...

U be correct girl jare! Real men eat meat...bones are for d dogs...all dis malnourished girls wey full town wey dey talk say dem dey skiny...some of u will slump n die one day...na everybody dey call demselves models dis days...rubbish...but big tummy no dey sexy sha o

That Girl said...

Ini dear, u r not curvy! U look like fufu moulded into a circular shape.I knw u gat ass, definitely not curves. Deal with that.

Anonymous said...

In Inisus name I pray Amen!!!!! I worship you my Lord Inisus

Anonymous said...

Praise be to Inisus christ! Amen

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Curvy makes more sense naw, not too skinny not too plumpy

@Baby_Confessor said...

Nobody is saying you should be skinny. But that you protruding tummy makes u look promitive. Are u in the caves? At least u wud av watched wat u wear than wearing a tight dress that's folding ur whole stomach.dress sence, zero Village calabr girl.

Anonymous said...

Of course to be skinny is not is not quite okay but just be of average built, maintain and watch it. Discover the Secret to losing weight and burning tummy fat

Anonymous said...

So far you are facially fine,its okay,besides u are not fat,just plump,i love u scatter joor,everybody must have Mercy,s Body,i love u Ini,u are so pretty

Anonymous said...

Then what is she goin bac to the gym to do? Mschew! Love ur body.. Den don't go to d gym!

chubby ELLA said...

U go gal,dats wat im talkin abt. A true african woman shud b curvy wit all d necessary flesh @ d ryt places. The african man needs smth 2 hold,no b 2 dey find u 4 bed,#rme#. We dnt eva wnt 2 b skinny. HATERS.

Anonymous said...

Go gurl

Anonymous said...

Ini sweety, you are a sex bomb! I love you just the way you are.

Judyth Michael said...

Go Girl.......Rock the Curvy Shape *Kisses*